0.0 – Christian Science – 16 Books by Mary Baker Eddy – Bk 6 – Retrospection and Introspection – Chpt 20 – General Associations and Our Magazine

Mary Baker Eddy

Retrospection and Introspection
Eddy, Mary Baker
General Associations and Our Magazine

Christian Science ~ 16 books by Mary Baker Eddy

6 ~ Retrospection and Introspection ~ Chpt 20 ~ General Associations and Our Magazine

                       GENERAL ASSOCIATIONS,
  	                  AND OUR MAGAZINE 

 1	    For many successive years I have endeavored to find
  	new ways and means for the promotion and expan-
 3	sion of scientific Mind-healing, seeking to broaden its
  	channels and, if possible, to build a hedge round about
  	it that should shelter its perfections from the contaminat-
 6	ing influences of those who have a small portion of its
  	letter and less of its spirit. At the same time I have
  	worked to provide a home for every true seeker and honest
 9	worker in this vineyard of Truth. 
  	    To meet the broader wants of humanity, and provide
  	folds for the sheep that were without shepherds, I sug-
12	gested to my students, in 1886, the propriety of forming
  	a National Christian Scientist Association. This was
  	immediately done, and delegations from the Christian
15	Scientist Association of the Massachusetts Metaphysical
  	College, SHOW ALL