0.0 – Christian Science – 16 Books by Mary Baker Eddy – Bk 6 – Retrospection and Introspection – Chpt 20 – General Associations and Our Magazine Mary Baker Eddy Category: Book Beg Line#: 1 Pub Title: Retrospection and Introspection Pub Type: Book End Pg#: 53 Author: Eddy, Mary Baker Chapter #: 20 End Line#: 6 Chpt Title: General Associations and Our Magazine Beg Pg#: 52 Total Pgs: 2 View/Download: PDF ODT WORD View/Dnld Des: ALL BOOKS ALL CHAPTERS Christian Science ~ 16 books by Mary Baker Eddy Topics: Tags: 6 ~ Retrospection and Introspection ~ Chpt 20 ~ General Associations and Our Magazine Description: Text Content: SHOW ALL GENERAL ASSOCIATIONS, AND OUR MAGAZINE 1 For many successive years I have endeavored to find new ways and means for the promotion and expan- 3 sion of scientific Mind-healing, seeking to broaden its channels and, if possible, to build a hedge round about it that should shelter its perfections from the contaminat- 6 ing influences of those who have a small portion of its letter and less of its spirit. At the same time I have worked to provide a home for every true seeker and honest 9 worker in this vineyard of Truth. To meet the broader wants of humanity, and provide folds for the sheep that were without shepherds, I sug- 12 gested to my students, in 1886, the propriety of forming a National Christian Scientist Association. This was immediately done, and delegations from the Christian 15 Scientist Association of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and from branch associations in other States, met in general convention at New York City, February 18 11, 1886. The first official organ of the Christian Scientist Asso- ciation was called Journal of Christian Science. I started 21 it, April, 1883, as editor and publisher. To the National Christian Scientist Association, at its meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, June, 1889, I sent a letter, Retrospection and Introspection – General Associations 53 1 presenting to its loyal members The Christian Science Journal, as it was now called, and the funds belonging 3 thereto. This monthly magazine had been made success- ful and prosperous under difficult circumstances, and was designed to bear aloft the standard of genuine Christian 6 Science.SHOW ALL